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Réalisé en python avec la bibliothèque xmpppy.
Requiert python [1] et xmpppy [2].
- cauchy_bot.py: fichier principal
- recentchanges.py: changements récents
- pendu.py: jeu du pendu
- artough: artough way
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import xmpp import time,os,sys class JabParameter(): def __init__(self): self.yid = "" self.pas = "" self.nam = "" self.cha = "" self.adm = "" self.InitParam() self.run = True self.roster = [] self.pendu = "" self.antiflood = 10000 self.deaf = 0 self.logdir = "./"+repr(time.localtime()[:6]).replace(", ","_")[1:-1] if not os.path.exists(self.logdir): os.mkdir(self.logdir) def InitParam(self): self.yid = raw_input("JID: ") self.pas = raw_input("Password for this JID: ") self.nam = raw_input("Alias of the bot: ") self.cha = raw_input("Channel adress: ") while self.adm=="": self.adm = raw_input("Admin password: ") def Log(self,text,fi): f = open(self.logdir+"/"+fi+".log","a") f.write(text+"\n") f.close() JP = JabParameter() if JP.cha=="": JP.cha = "desencyclopedie@chat.jabberfr.org" print "#######################" print "# STARTING CAUCHY_BOT #" print "#######################" print " admin pwd:",JP.adm print " log dir:",JP.logdir print " init RecentChanges" import recentchanges recentchanges.rc.logdir = JP.logdir print " rc.webpage:","".join([recentchanges.rc.webpage,recentchanges.rc.webpage2]) print " rc.num:",recentchanges.rc.num print " rc.time:",recentchanges.rc.time print " init Pendu" import pendu JP.pendu = pendu.Pendu() JP.pendu.logdir = JP.logdir print " init Artough" import artough def RemoveB(t): u = t[:] while "<" in u: i1 = u.index("<") i2 = u.index(">")+1 u = u[:i1]+u[i2:] return u def Sender(text): text_plain = RemoveB(text) p = xmpp.protocol.Message(to=JP.cha, body=text_plain, frm=JP.cha+"/"+JP.nam, typ="groupchat") if text_plain != text: p_html = xmpp.Node("html",{"xmlns":'http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im'}) t1 = "<body xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>" t2 = "</body>" try: p_a = xmpp.simplexml.XML2Node(t1+text+t2) p_html.addChild(node=p_a) p.addChild(node=p_html) except : p = xmpp.protocol.Message(to=JP.cha, body=text_plain, frm=JP.cha+"/"+JP.nam, typ="groupchat") JP.cl.send(p) def Talk(text,nick): if JP.pendu.play: if len(text.split())==2 and len(text.split()[1])==1: #proposition d'une lettre t = JP.pendu.proposition(text.split()[1],nick) for l in t: Sender(l) if len(text.split())>1: if JP.pendu.normalise(" ".join(text.split()[1:])) == JP.pendu.mot: t = JP.pendu.bonmot(nick) for l in t: Sender(l) intext = "" if len(text.split())>1: intext=" ".join(text.split()[1:]) JP.Log(intext,"command") if "deaf" in intext: if JP.adm in intext: JP.deaf = intext.count("1") intext = "" if JP.deaf: intext = "" if "help" in intext: Sender("liste des commandes:") Sender(" help: ce que vous venez de taper.") Sender(' hello world: dit "Hello World !". Totalement inutile.') Sender(' echo: repete ce qui suit "echo".') Sender(" recentchanges N: affiche les N derniers changements de la dEsencyclopedie.") Sender(" rc 0/1: stoppe/demarre la surveillance des changements.") Sender(" pendu new: jeu du pendu.") Sender(" pendu sc: score du jeu du pendu.") Sender(" admin_pwd deaf 0/1: active/desactive la detection des ordres.") Sender(" antiflood N: ejecte quand un texte de plus de N lettres est envoye (-1=jamais).") Sender(" artough way 0/1: Artough Way !!.") Sender(" admin_pwd stop: arret du bot.") Sender(" admin_pwd master_command: permet a l'utilisateur ayant lance le bot de rentrer une commande en console") elif "echo" in intext: t = intext[intext.index("echo")+5:] t = t.replace("/","\\") t = t.replace("<\\","</") t = t.replace("\\>","/>") Sender(t) elif "hello world" in intext: Sender("Hello world !") elif "stop" in intext: if JP.adm in intext: JP.run=False #elif "execute" in intext: # if self.adm in intext: # t = intext[intext.index("execute")+8:] # exec(compile(t,'<string>','exec')) elif "recentchanges" in intext: t = int(intext[intext.index("recentchanges")+14:]) list = recentchanges.Status(t) for l in list: Sender(l) elif "rc" in intext: if "1" in intext and not recentchanges.rc.run: recentchanges.StartThread() elif "0" in intext: recentchanges.rc.run = False elif "master_command" in intext: if JP.adm in intext: print "To escape: type an empty string" while True: t = raw_input("Enter a command: ") if t!="": exec(compile(t,'<string>','exec')) else: break elif "pendu" in intext: if "new" in intext: JP.pendu.init() Sender("Jeu du pendu") Sender(JP.pendu.mot_visible) elif "sc" in intext: t = JP.pendu.recapitulatif() for l in t:Sender(l) elif "antiflood" in intext: t = intext[intext.index("antiflood")+10:] if t.isdigit(): JP.antiflood = int(t) Sender("antiflood: "+t) if t=="-1": JP.antiflood = -1 Sender("antiflood: "+t) elif "artough way" in intext: if "1" in intext and not artough.aw.run: ro = JP.roster[:] ro.remove(JP.nam) artough.aw.nicks = ro artough.aw.run = True artough.StartThread() elif "0" in intext: artough.aw.run = False def LOG(stanza,nick,text): global JP ts=stanza.getTimestamp() if not ts: ts=stanza.setTimestamp() ts=stanza.getTimestamp() fold=stanza.getFrom().getStripped().replace('@','%') JP.Log(repr([ts,nick,fold,text]),"histo") if text!= None: if text.startswith(JP.nam): Talk(text.encode('utf-8'),nick) if JP.antiflood>100: #to change: /msg cauchy_bot cauchy_bot echo ... can kick the bot :/ if len(text)>JP.antiflood: Sender("FLOOD! FIXME TO ALLOW ME TO KICK "+nick) def presenceCB(sess,pres): nick=pres.getFrom().getResource() text='' if pres.getType()=='unavailable': if nick in JP.roster: JP.roster.remove(nick) else: if nick not in JP.roster: JP.roster.append(nick) if text: LOG(pres,nick,text) def messageCB(sess,mess): nick=mess.getFrom().getResource() text=mess.getBody() LOG(mess,nick,text) def main(): JP.cl=xmpp.Client(xmpp.JID(JP.yid).getDomain(),debug=[]) con=JP.cl.connect() if not con: print 'could not connect!' sys.exit() print 'connected with',con JP.cl.RegisterHandler('message',messageCB) JP.cl.RegisterHandler('presence',presenceCB) auth=JP.cl.auth(xmpp.JID(JP.yid).getNode(),JP.pas) if not auth: print 'could not authenticate!' sys.exit() print 'authenticated using',auth p=xmpp.Presence(to=JP.cha+"/"+JP.nam) p.setTag('x',namespace=xmpp.NS_MUC).setTagData('password','') p.getTag('x').addChild('history',{'maxchars':'0','maxstanzas':'0'}) JP.cl.send(p) while JP.run: JP.cl.Process(1) if len(recentchanges.rc.toprint) != 0: for l in recentchanges.rc.toprint: Sender(l) recentchanges.rc.toprint = [] if len(artough.aw.toprint) != 0: for l in artough.aw.toprint: Sender(l) artough.aw.toprint = [] ro = JP.roster[:] ro.remove(JP.nam) JP.cl.disconnect() main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- import urllib import time import thread class RecentChanges(): def __init__(self): self.webpage = "http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/index.php?title=Special:Modifications_récentes" self.webpage2 = "&hideminor=1&hideenhanced=1" self.num = 5 self.list_old = self.getN() self.dico = {" ":" ","×":"x"," ":"",'href="/':'href="http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/'} self.time = 15 self.run = False self.toprint = [] self.logdir = "" def remove_b(self,t,sauf=[]): u = t[:] loi = [0] for i1 in range(len(u)): if u[i1] == "<": su = u[i1:] i2 = i1+su.index(">")+1 su = u[i1:i2] boo = True for l in sauf: if "<"+l in su: boo = False if "</"+l in su: boo = False if boo: loi.append(i1) loi.append(i2) u = "" loi.append(len(u)-1) for l in range(len(loi)/2): i1 = loi[l*2] i2 = loi[(l*2)+1] u += t[i1:i2] return u def prettyprint(self,t): for l,v in self.dico.items(): t = t.replace(l,v) rt = '' for l in range(len(t)): if t[l] == "&" and t[l:l+5] != "&": rt = "".join([rt,"&"]) else: rt = "".join([rt,t[l]]) return rt def getN(self,num=-1): if num==-1: num = self.num fi = urllib.urlopen(self.webpage+self.webpage2) while True: t = fi.readline() if "h4" in t: break list = [] for l in range(num): list.append(self.remove_b(fi.readline()[:-1],["a"])) return list[:] def Log(self,text): f = open(self.logdir+"/recentchanges.log","a") f.write(text+"\n") f.close() def Status(n): list = rc.getN(n) tp = [] for l in list: tp.append(rc.prettyprint(l)) return tp def StartThread(): rc.run = True thread.start_new_thread(StartAutomatic,('','')) rc = RecentChanges() def StartAutomatic(a,b): while rc.run: time.sleep(rc.time) list_new,list_new2 = rc.getN(),[] for l in list_new: if rc.remove_b(l) not in rc.list_old: rc.toprint.append(rc.prettyprint(l)) list_new2.append(rc.remove_b(l)) rc.Log(time.ctime()+"\nOld:"+repr(rc.list_old)+"\nNew:"+repr(list_new)+"\nTP:"+repr(rc.toprint)+"\n") rc.list_old = list_new2[:]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib, string class Pendu(): def __init__(self): self.logdir = "" self.webpage = "http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Page_au_hasard" self.point = {} self.dico = {"é":"e","è":"e","ê":"e","ë":"e","à":"a","â":"a","û":"u","î":"i","ô":"o","ç":"c","ù":"u","É":"e","È":"e","À":"a","ï":"i","ü":"u"} self.mot = "" self.mot_visible = "" self.lettres = string.ascii_lowercase self.play = False self.link = "" def init(self): self.play = True fi = urllib.urlopen(self.webpage) while True: t = fi.readline() if '<link rel="alternate" type="application/x-wiki" ' in t: self.link = t.split('href="')[1].split("&")[0] if "<title>" in t: break t = t[9:-44] t = self.normalise(t) self.mot = t[:] for l in self.lettres: t = t.replace(l,"?") self.mot_visible = t[:] if self.mot_visible.count("?") < 8: self.init() def normalise(self,t): t = t.lower() for l,v in self.dico.items(): while l in t: t = t.replace(l,v) return t def recapitulatif(self,numb=-1): tdico = {} tsc = [] for l,v in self.point.items(): if v in tdico: tdico[v].append(l) else: tdico[v] = [l] tsc.append(v) tsc.sort(reverse=True) text = [] if numb==-1: numb=len(tsc) for l,x in enumerate(tsc[:numb]): text += [str(l+1)+") "+str(x)+" points: "+", ".join(tdico[x])] return text def fin(self): self.play = False text = ["Jeu fini ! Recaputilatif:"] text += self.recapitulatif(5) return text def bonmot(self,joueur): gain = self.mot_visible.count("?")*2+2 if joueur not in self.point: self.point[joueur] = 0+gain else: self.point[joueur] += gain text = [joueur+", Felicitation ! Le mot est bien: <a href='"+self.link+"'>"+self.mot+"</a>",joueur+", "+str(gain)] self.fin() return text def proposition(self,le,joueur): lettre = le.lower() gain,rep = -1,"<span style='color:red'>non</span>" if lettre in self.mot_visible: gain,rep = 0,"fait" elif lettre in self.mot: gain,rep = self.mot.count(lettre)*2,"<span style='color:blue'>oui</span>" for l in range(len(self.mot)): if lettre == self.mot[l]: self.mot_visible = self.mot_visible[:l]+lettre+self.mot_visible[l+1:] if self.mot == self.mot_visible: gain+=1 if joueur not in self.point: self.point[joueur] = 0+gain else: self.point[joueur] += gain text = [joueur+", "+rep+" ! "+str(gain),self.mot_visible] if self.mot == self.mot_visible: text[-1] = "<a href='"+self.link+"'>"+self.mot+"</a>" text+=self.fin() return text
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import thread import random class ArtoughWay(): def __init__(self): self.file = "insultes.txt" self.time_min = 10 self.time_max = 120 self.nicks = [] self.toprint = [] self.run = False def insulte(self): fi = open(self.file,"r") da = fi.readlines() random.shuffle(da) t = da[0] random.shuffle(self.nicks) t = t.decode('utf-8') t = t.replace("<user>",self.nicks[0]) for l in range(6): t = t.replace("<user"+str(l+2)+">",self.nicks[(l+1)%len(self.nicks)]) fi.close() return t[:-1] def StartThread(): thread.start_new_thread(StartAutomatic,('','')) aw = ArtoughWay() def StartAutomatic(a,b): while aw.run: aw.toprint = [aw.insulte()] time.sleep(aw.time_min+random.randint(0,aw.time_max))