Stars by voice

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HD 172817 is an star in the constellation Sagittarius, the voice of HD 172817 is similar as a 15-year-old girl from Strasbourg, France

HD 219338 is an star in the constellation Aquarius, the voice of HD 219338 is similar as a 12-year-old girl from Bordeaux, France

HD 166399 is an star in the constellation Sagittarius, the voice of HD 166399 is similar as a 13-year-old girl from Berlin, Germany

HD 191422 is an star in the constellation Cygnus, the voice of HD 191422 is similar as a 7-year-old little girl from Denmark

HD 18391 is an yellow supergiant star in the constellation Cassiopeia, the voice of HD 18391 is similar as a 11-year-old girl from Paris, France

HD 191422

HD 191422, also named HIP 99167 or SAO 49218, an B-type star in the constellation Cygnus, she are located at 1,554 light years away from earth

She are an star with an bluish-white color that located at 1,554 light years away from earth, the voice of HD 191422 is similar as a 7-year-old little girl from Denmark

however, Despite the voice of HD 191422 is similar as a 7-year-old little girl from Denmark, due to she are an B-type star in the constellation Cygnus, she can drink an Bordeaux wine, although the minimum age to purchase alcoholic beverages in Denmark was 18 years

one day, the Milky Way central supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* gives an Bordeaux wine to the star HD 191422, later, HD 191422 saids with an sweet voice that similar as a 7-year-old little girl from Denmark: "Sagittarius A*, I'm can drink an Bordeaux wine, Because I'm are an star with an bluish-white color"

HD 18391

HD 18391, also named HIP 13962 or SAO 23749, an yellow supergiant star in the constellation Cassiopeia, she are located at around 8,000 light years away from earth

She are an yellow supergiant star with an spectral type of G0Iab, her size was about 200 times of the sun, and her mass was about 15 times of the sun, the voice of HD 18391 is similar as a 11-year-old girl from Paris, France

Despite the voice of HD 18391 is similar as a 11-year-old girl from Paris, France, she will expand into an red supergiant star at next 150,000 years, finally, HD 18391 will end her life with an violent supernova explosion